Heat Stroke & How To Deal With It

The heat can give rabbits heat stroke and kill them. And it can happen easily & fast.

The symptoms of a rabbit with heat stroke:
* A rabbit lying stretched out and panting with a wet muzzle is a sign of heat stroke (just panting is fine as that is a way a rabbit will try to cool itself). Sometimes the rabbit will be lethargic (I have had a rabbit like this).

If the rabbit is showing the signs of heat stroke, immediate action must take place. Take the rabbit and dunk it in a bucket of cool water (not cold water, as too cold of water can cause shock and the rabbit can have a heart attack. Water that feels cool to touch is fine).

Do not dunk the rabbits head in the bucket. You can use a cup or a spray bottle to get their ears and face wet. The rabbit might start freaking out so make sure a tight hold on the rabbit is maintained while doing this procedure. I have also taken the garden hose and gotten the rabbit wet while it was in it's cage.

* A rabbit slightly panting and just starting to get a wet muzzle is a rabbit with the beginning signs of heat stroke. If a rabbit shows these signs of starting to have a heat stroke it can be brought into the house and the temperature of the house will cool them down. Do not place a fan blowing directly on them.

* Another sign of heat stroke is: The rabbit will be panting and his head will be up and sometimes his mouth will be open. The rabbit does this to try to breath easier.

* If a rabbit shows the signs of heat stroke and is having seizures it is too late. The seizures show that the brain has gotten too hot and there is probably brain damage.



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