Tips for Taking Pictures of Rabbits

It can be pretty tricky to get good pictures of any animal, but rabbits can be particularly "fun" to try to get good pictures. This is a topic which is often discussed on rabbit message boards - "anyone have any tips on taking pictures?" I thought I'd give some tips and share what I do to be able to get good pictures.

All of the pictures of the rabbits and babies on my site are taken by myself only. Sometimes it can be tricky taking pictures without another person's help, but since I've been doing it by myself for several years, I've gotten used to it and it's pretty easy actually.

1) Have a camera that can take good quality pictures. Some of the newer camera models have a lot of settings on them, some of which can come in handy for taking pictures of the rabbits. The "Sports" setting on the camera is used to catch the picture when the subject is in motion. This can be helpful, especially when taking pictures of babies that like to move alot :). The sport setting will make it so that the pictures aren't blurry even if the baby was moving.

2) The backdrop that will be seen in the picture should be one that contrasts the rabbit and does not clash with the rabbit. For example, sometimes a white rabbit may not go very well on a white backdrop. Although, you can take pictures of rabbits with alot of white on them with a white backdrop, as I have done this (example below) and the picture has turned out pretty well. A dark backdrop with a dark rabbit is not very good either. You also don't want to have a brightly colored or a patterend background, as that will distract from the focus of the picture, which is the rabbit. I'll put some examples of different backdrops that I've used below.

3) Lighting is another issues that should be considered. If you can take pictures with natural lighting, this is obviously the best choice. If you cannot take pictures with natural lighting, then taking pictures with the flash on the camera is fine. If you take pictures with the flash, just make sure it is not too bright for certain colors - like if you have the flash set to a very bright setting (yes, the flash brightness can be set on some cameras), a white rabbit will look very washed out. Of course this stuff can be fixed with photoshoping now, but even then sometimes the quality will not look that great even with the best "photoshoping." I normally take pictures with a flash because my rabbitry is "indoors" in my barn. I try to take the pictures during the day, so there will be natural lighting coming in through the windows and the door if it is open, but it is still not enough light for a good picture.

4) Babies are probably the trickiest things to get good pictures of . . . they love to move and play ;)! I am able to get good, cute pictures of the babies by myself with just a little work. I always (unless I forget!) have my camera turned on before I have the baby set down on the table to take pics. Once I put the baby on the table I get the camera focused. If I am trying to get a picture of the baby's head, I will gently hold the baby there with my hand (fingers behind it's head and one finger in front of it's head, gently petting it - see picture below). I'll then get the camera focused, move my hand away and snap the picture. Most of the time I am able to get the picture of the baby's face that I am trying to get, but sometimes I have to do this several times to get the picture . . . the babies love to turn away from the camera.

If I want the babies to sit still, I will make a little noise of some kind that will get their attention and that makes them "perk up" and sit still for a few seconds . . . normally just long enough to snap a good, cute picture.

By the time the babies are juniors they are getting better at taking pictures. Of course some rabbits will be great at cooperating for pictures from a young age, while others have the hardest time cooperating :).

5) Taking pictures of seniors is typically a very easy task (at least with my Mini Lops!). Most of the time my seniors are very calm. They'll let me pose them, they'll stay in that position long enough for me to snap a couple pictures and then they'll start to move.


Back to Rabbit Care

This picture, at left, is an example of the "position" I use to get the babies in the right pose for the picture. I then quickly move my hand away and snap the pic and as you can see from the picture below, it works rather well :). . . what a cute baby!






The pictures below are examples of different backdrops I've used.


Taking pictures outside with a beauitful scenery around can add some nice qualities to the picture.




This is an example of an almost all white rabbit's picture taken on a white background. Sometimes it can give the picture a cool effect.






The picture at right was taken with no specific backdrop behind it. I just used the side of my barn (which is cement in this picture) as the backdrop. It's a calm color, so does not alter the picture much.







The backdrop in these two pictures was a shower curtain ;). This was one of my favorite backdrops because it was cute, and not too wild.

I didn't use it under the rabbits (like in the picture with the babies) if I was posing them because it made their feet slip.




This backdrop was a curtain. I think this backdrop is much too "colorful" and "busy." I do not suggest a backdrop like this, as it distracts from the rabbit.





The backdrop used in this picture was a brown bath towel. I really liked this backdrop because it was calm, but gave a nice "texture" and "feel" to the picture.





Sometimes adding a flower or other small "touches" to pictures can give the picture a very cute effect, yet still not distract from the animal. At right and below are several examples.